Mobile dating services, also known as cell dating, allow individuals to chat, meet, and possibly become romantically involved by means of text messaging, mobile chatting, and the web.
These services allow their users to provide information about themselves in a short profile which is stored in their phones as a dating ID. They can then search for other IDs online or by calling a certain phone number dictated by the service. The criteria include age, gender and sexual preference. Usually these sites are free to use but standard text messaging fees may still apply as well as a small fee the dating service charges per message.
Mobile dating websites, in order to increase the opportunities for meeting, focus attention on users that share the same social network and proximity. Some companies even offer services such as homing devices to alert users when another user is within thirty feet of one another.[1] Some systems involve bluetooth technology to connect users in locations such as bars and clubs. This is known as proximity dating. These systems are actually more popular in some countries in Europe and Asia than online dating.
Without having to share any personal information with other end users, singles can meet new people using their cell phone - thanks to mobile dating companies.
One of the more unique SMS dating sites, crush or flush only lets you contact the people who you've crushed and who have crushed you back. Plus, if you are over 18 and in the US, this service is most likely available, with international options to follow soon.
List of companies provides mobile dating in india





